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Do More Agriculture Expands Opportunities to Learn About Mental Health

Reference: Do More Ag

November 1, 2022 - Year four of the rural mental health training program, presented by The Do More Agriculture Foundation (DMAF) and Farm Credit Canada (FCC), will be accepting applications on Nov. 3rd.

The Community Fund was created to provide agriculture communities across Canada with access to mental health education and literacy at no cost. As DMAF celebrates the launch of year four of this program, we are pleased to share the expansion of the workshop offerings. 

In addition to offering our ‘Talk Ask Listen’ workshop across Canada, DMAF will also be offering  ‘In The Know’, ‘Mental Health First Aid’, and ‘Suicide Awareness’ workshops. New this year will be a variety of online workshops open to all, and AgCulture, a mental health in agriculture literacy program for mental health professionals. 

“Four years ago, when the Community Fund was created, mental health was still a relatively new conversation in agriculture,” said Megz Reynolds, DMAF Executive Director. “Collectively, we have taken strides in moving the needle, and as we continue to work together to decrease the stigma and build awareness and community, it is only natural that we evolve the Community Fund. This year DMAF’s focus is on supporting the industry as a whole. This means bringing mental health literacy and educational workshops to farming communities, hosting national webinars to bring Canadians in agriculture together, and bringing AgCulture to mental health clinicians across Canada to ensure an understanding and connection to agriculture.”

“We are very excited about 2023's Community Fund and thankful for the continued support from FCC and all our partners,” Reynolds said. “We look forward to working hand in hand with communities, industry and mental health professionals to better support Canadian agriculture.”

“As a committed partner to agriculture and rural communities, we recognize the need for increased mental health support in agriculture, where people – often located in rural Canada – can sometimes feel isolated and don’t always know who to turn to for help,” said Carla Warnyca, FCC’s Community Investment Manager. “That’s why FCC continues to work in partnership with The Do More Agriculture Foundation and supports the expansion of this program.”

The fund is open to all rural agriculture communities across Canada. Interested individuals can learn more about the program or apply here. Applications will be accepted from Nov. 3rd to Dec. 10th, 5 pm CST.

About FCC 

Farm Credit Canada is Canada’s leading agriculture and food lender, with a healthy loan portfolio of more than $44 billion. Its employees are dedicated to the future of Canadian agriculture and food. It provides flexible financing, AgExpert management software, information and knowledge specifically designed for the agriculture and food industry. As a Crown corporation, it provides an appropriate return to shareholders, and reinvests its profits back into the industry and communities it serves. For more information, visit

About The Do More Agriculture Foundation 

The Do More Agriculture Foundation is the national voice and leader for mental health in Canadian agriculture and is changing the culture of agriculture to one where all are  encouraged, supported, and empowered to take care of their mental wellbeing. Producers are among the most vulnerable when it comes to mental health issues. By collaborating with the entire industry and those working to address the state of mental health in agriculture, we can and will make a substantial impact.

For more information, please visit and follow us @domoreag on Twitter, Instagram, or Facebook.


Contact: Megz Reynolds 


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