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SRM pre-consultation survey closes May 1, 2023

Reference: Canadian Seed Growers Association

There Are Only Days Left, Make Sure Your Voice Is Heard!
The CFIA’s SRM pre-consultation survey closes May 1, 2023

The future of Canada’s seed sector is being mapped out as we speak. Changes to our sector are coming, but what those changes look like depends on the voices the Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) hears.

Seed regulations impact you, our members and sector stakeholders, on a daily basis. Participating in the CFIA’s Seed Regulatory Modernization (SRM) pre-consultation survey is your opportunity – as farmers, agri-business owners, and seed companies – to be one of those voices and help shape Canada’s seed sector. Your feedback will make a difference.

BEFORE YOU RESPOND TO THE SURVEY, we want to explain CSGA’s vision for the next generation seed system, so we’re sharing our survey responses and rationales with you. We need to keep working together to ensure that the seed sector and Canadian agriculture continue to thrive and prosper.


The CFIA survey covers variety registration, seed certification, and seed standards. You need only answer those questions that apply to you and your business.


Thank You for Supporting CSGA’s Vision for a Stronger, Modern Canadian Seed System. Please email us or your regional branch if you have any questions or wish to discuss our positions on SRM.