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Use biometrics for big wins

Reference: FCC

Digital systems are everywhere in today’s world and have become so integrated with our lives that we don’t even notice we’re using them – like when we check our smartphones. Adding biometric information to digital systems can improve their usefulness. In agriculture, biometrics can be used for people or livestock.

Mitigate disease risk

One application is for biosecurity and disease risk mitigation. People can inadvertently transfer disease, especially when going from farm to farm as part of their daily jobs. A biosecurity management system that uses facial recognition for barn entry can help mitigate risk.

Such systems include Protocol®, offered by Farm Health Guardian. “Just like opening your cell phone using your facial characteristics, you’re opening the barn door the same way,” says CEO Rob Hannam. “The brains behind the system are the real key here. We’re monitoring what farms you’ve been to recently within that network, and if the health status is different, or if you were at a farm two days ago that broke with disease, it’s not going to unlock the door.” Protocol® helps farm operators and food companies take biosecurity to the next level.

Livestock identification

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