IF 166: “Caught In The Storm” w/Gerry Friesen



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Episode 166: “Caught In The Storm” w/Gerry Friesen

In today’s episode, Tracy chats with Gerry Friesen about being “Caught In The Storm.”

Stress and conflict have the ability to create storms at the best of times. How we deal with that determines how much damage the storm will create in our relationships. A key component of avoiding the damage is to have a basic understanding of who we are and how we react in any given situation.

Come along as Gerry and Tracy chat about:
  • How it often feels like we are caught in one storm or another on the farm.
  • Gerry talks about recognizing and identifying stress.
  • He shares the negative implications that stress can have on your farm and your farm business management.
  • Gerry chats about responding to stress and wraps the episode up with stress-busting tips.

Are things feeling a bit stormy these days? If so, tune into today’s episode



* Disclaimer - As always, this information is not intended to provide business or medical advice. To ensure that your own circumstances have been properly considered and that action is taken based on the latest information available, you should obtain professional advice from qualified business or medical professionals before acting on any of the information in this post.

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Here at The Impact Farming Show, our goal is to bring our audience the people and ideas that will IMPACT their farming operation. We couldn't do it without the continued support of our sponsors that are committed to supporting our show and our shared vision of helping farmers succeed.

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Show Guest

Gerry Friesen
The Recovering Farmer, Consultant, Mediator

Gerry comes from a diverse background of experience, learning and discovery. He grew up on a farm and in 1983
took over the family farm. He operated the farm until 2007 when other interests demanded more and more of his time. Today, Gerry’s passion is in helping others find solutions for the various issues that life throws at us whether that is conflict or stress.

Aside from his private practice Gerry provides mediation services for Farm Debt Mediation Services and the Automobile Injury Mediation office and is a conflict management specialist. Gerry is a recipient of the Manitoba Pork Friend of the Industry award for “providing emotional support and expertise to help farmers cope with financial and emotional stress in their darkest days”.

Connect with Gerry Friesen - TwitterLinkedInWebsite


The Impact Farming Show

Welcome to Impact Farming, Farm Marketer's video and audio show dedicated to helping Canadian farmers excel in the business of farming. Our goal with this show is to introduce our audience to the people and ideas that are going to make an IMPACT on their farming operation. 

Show Host - Tracy Brunet
CEO of Farm Marketer 

Tracy and her husband are cattle ranchers in South East, Manitoba. As host of the show, primary producer and agvocate, Tracy is passionate about helping farmers succeed in the business of farming. 

In each episode, Tracy chats with today's most successful farm advisors and industry leaders to bring our audience the best and most important ideas. 

Connect with Tracy Brunet - TwitterFacebookInstagramLinked in



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