IF 190: “Regret On The Farm" w/Tom Field



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Episode 190: “Regret On The Farm" w/Tom Field

In today’s episode, Tracy speaks with Tom Field about “Regret On The Farm."

As farmers, we make critical decisions based on outcomes that are often out of our control. We do our best to make the correct decision with the information at hand; however, it’s impossible to be right all time, given the fickle nature of weather, input pricing, markets, etc.

This often leads to regret and beating ourselves up for being wrong and making mistakes. This stress can affect our mindset, happiness, and confidence in our abilities.

In this conversation, Tracy and Tom have an up close and personal conversation about regrets on the farm and chat about the following:

  • What we can learn from regret.
  • What are the kinds of regrets, and why should we examine them in our lives?
  • We often hear much about “no regrets” - is that even rational?
  • How does regret motivate us?
  • How does regret diminish us?
  • How can farmers, farm families, and farming operations grow from acknowledging regret?

Please do not miss this conversation. If you have ever done something you regret or made a decision that didn’t turn out as desired (everyone on planet earth)…. this conversation will likely take 100lbs off of your shoulders. And who doesn’t want that?



* Disclaimer - As always, this information is not intended to provide business or medical advice. To ensure that your own circumstances have been properly considered and that action is taken based on the latest information available, you should obtain professional advice from qualified business or medical professionals before acting on any of the information in this post.


Engler Agribusiness Entrepreneurship Program


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Thank You To Our Show Sponsor

Here at The Impact Farming Show, our goal is to bring our audience the people and ideas that will IMPACT their farming operation. We couldn't do it without the continued support of our sponsors that are committed to supporting our show and our shared vision of helping farmers succeed.

Please take a moment to check out this week's show sponsor: AgExpert

Manage Your Greens and Your Green

Keep an eye on everything from field to finance with FCC AgExpert software. Purpose-built for Canadian farming, the AgExpert platform has been continuously refined for over 20 years to be the industry’s most trusted farm management platform.

With input from customers in every province, and all sectors in Canadian agriculture and food production, AgExpert makes sure your digital record-keeping is safe and up-to-date.

Learn more HERE


Show Guest

Tom Field PhD
Engler Entrepreneurship Program Chair and Director, Professor at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln

Tom is a passionate advocate for education, agriculture, free enterprise, engaged citizenship, and the potential of young people. He serves the people of Nebraska as the Director of the Engler Agribusiness Entrepreneurship Program and holder of the Engler Chair in Entrepreneurship at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. He is also a noted agricultural author with works including his column "Out of the Box" and featured commentator of "The Entrepreneurial Minute" on the Angus Report on RFD-TV.

A frequent speaker at agricultural events in the U.S. and abroad, he has consulted with a number of agricultural enterprises and organizations, and has served on numerous boards related to education, agriculture, and athletics. He is the co-owner of Field Land and Cattle Company, LLC in Colorado. He and his wife Laura watch over a brood that includes a son in the Teach for America Program, twins who are seniors in college and toddler twins to round out the team.

Connect with Tom Field - LinkedIn / Website 


The Impact Farming Show

Welcome to Impact Farming, Farm Marketer's video and audio show dedicated to helping Canadian farmers excel in the business of farming. Our goal with this show is to introduce our audience to the people and ideas that are going to make an IMPACT on their farming operation. 

Show Host - Tracy Brunet
CEO of Farm Marketer 

Tracy and her husband are cattle ranchers in South East, Manitoba. As host of the show, primary producer and agvocate, Tracy is passionate about helping farmers succeed in the business of farming. 

In each episode, Tracy chats with today's most successful farm advisors and industry leaders to bring our audience the best and most important ideas. 

Connect with Tracy Brunet - TwitterFacebookInstagramLinked in



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